Tsunami Early Warning support page

Last messages 16


is this still active and can it be used?

Markovi il y a 5 ans 0

App fraud. I want my money back. Confirmation text never received.

Anonyme il y a 8 ans mis à jour par alibek il y a 8 ans 2

Popular ones 16


Test SMS took around 45 mins + to get through , is this likely to be just a set up thing or is something wtong

Anonyme il y a 12 ans mis à jour par alibek il y a 12 ans 1

Push messages instead of SMS

Anonyme il y a 12 ans mis à jour par alibek il y a 12 ans 0

is this still active and can it be used?

Markovi il y a 5 ans 0

In process 0

Aucun sujet